- 预计本周“好奇号”将发回一些其登陆地点的颜色更好的图片,该地点接近火星赤道下方。
- During this week curiosity is expected to send back better colour images of its landing site just below the martian equator .
- 一旦打开这些附件,他们就会开启隐藏程序,这些程序会在政府网络上搜寻信息并反馈给骇客。
- Once opened , those attachments started hidden programs that hunted for information on the government network to send back to the hackers .
- 请将入数纸正本(自行影印保存),会员申请表格及回邮信封寄回本会.
- Please send back the original pay-in slip ( retain a photocopy of the slip for your own record ) , together with the completed membership application form and a postage paid , self-addressed envelope to us .
- 第七十一条原审判决遗漏了必须参加诉讼的当事人或者诉讼请求的,第二审人民法院应当裁定撤销原审判决,发回重审。
- Article 71 should there be omission of any indispensable party or claim in the original trial , the people 's court of second instance shall rule for revocation of the original judgment and remand for retrial .
- 他应该在星期一到庭,不过只是到庭候审。
- He 's due in court on monday , but only for remand .
- 他们在要求对还押制度进行改革的呼吁书上签了字。
- They have sign an appeal for the reform of the remand system .
- 他由于行窃的指控而被还押候审。
- He was remanded on theft charges .
- 他后来被判有罪,并押给贝尔维尤庇护。
- He is later convicted and remanded to the bellevue asylum .
- 在保证付款4000美元后他被还押。
- He was remanded on his own recognizance of $ 4000 .