- 这段插曲突显出关于全球经济治理的两个问题。
- The episode underlines two things about global economic governance .
- 这个插曲将不会使他们振作起来。
- This episode will not encourage them .
- 许多人认为这段小插曲只不过是哗众取宠。
- Plenty of people dismissed the episode as a stunt .
- 父亲的中风毁了两个人的人生。
- His stroke devastated two lives .
- 有5%的可能会中风。
- A 5 percent chance of stroke .
- 十月份我的外祖母患了中风。
- My maternal grandmother had a stroke in october .
- 美联储于九月二十一日决定选择长短期利率操作(买入长期债权,卖出短期),而不是另一回合成熟的量化宽松,也许可以减少通货膨胀带来的恐慌。
- The decision of the federal reserve on september 21st to opt for operation twist ( buying long-term bonds and selling short-term ones ) rather than another bout of full-blown quantitative easing may also have reduced inflation fears .
- 问题还是那个问题:接下来会怎样?这是一次紧张心情的发作,还是一次熊市的开始?
- The question , as it always is , is what happens next : is this a bout of nerves or the beginning of a slump ?
- 如果历史的模式不是盖的,目前这一回合的不适对投资者而言,就是一个绝好的以折扣价买入股票的机会。
- And if historical patterns hold , the current bout of malaise presents a fantastic opportunity for investors to buy shares at a discount .