
n.在外面野餐的郊游( cookout的名词复数 )
cookouts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ceo tom folliard stays accessible to all employees via town hall meetings and steak cookouts .
- 公司CEO汤姆•福里亚德会在市政厅举行会议,安排牛排野餐,通过这些方式与员工保持联系。
- Family cookouts are a classic way to celebrate father 's day .
- 一家人去郊游是庆祝父亲节的经典方式。
- With summer approaching , outdoor cookouts will soon be in full swing .
- 随著夏天的来临,室外烧烤马上就会进入高潮。
- Each year , independence day arrives with an array of festivities that make us vulnerable to a number of potential hazards : bug bites , burns from backyard grills , food poisoning from cookouts , and injuries from fireworks .
- 每年的独立日都伴随着一大堆各种各样的假期如期而至,而与这些假期相关的潜在危险也使我们更易受伤,比如蚊虫叮咬,被烤肉架烫伤,野餐时食物中毒,以及被烟火烫伤。