- 这首先,是因为这是发自内心的由衷赞美,第二,因为米歇尔能够,谢天谢地,不会轻易地掉出众人的目光,第三,因为,在他能问出的所有夸张华丽的问题中,没有一个能比这更合适的了。
- This was , first , because it was a heartfelt compliment , and , second , because michelle could , thankfully , never be so easily dismissed , and , third , because , of all the rhetorical questions he could have asked , none was more apt at that moment .
- 之后,作者又讨论了反问句在语义原型范畴中的地位。
- Then the author takes a further step to discuss the status of rhetorical questions in the semantic prototypical category .