- 每个人都转过去背对着我。
- Everyone turned their back on me .
- 然后我们走了回去。
- And then we walked back .
- 她把手缩回去,笑了笑。
- She pulls back and smiles .
- 但民主党人却进一步加大农业补贴。
- But the democrats sweetened the subsidies instead .
- 如今巴美关系反而有所缓解。
- Instead relations have been patched up .
- 却不曾想,自己一消失就是六年。
- Instead , he vanished for six years .
- 明亮的餐厅可以俯瞰对面的学校。
- The bright dining room overlooks the school opposite .
- 你要到对面的月台才对。
- You need to go to the opposite platform .
- 李芦媛走了进去,在一位经理对面坐了下来。
- Luyuan marched in and sat down opposite a manager .
- 有些动作出现在不同的语系里便有完全相反的意义。
- Sometimes gestures used in different languages have contrary meanings .
- 于此相反的猜测现在是更加强烈了。
- Speculation to the contrary will now intensify .
- 相反,德国是一个非常巨大的贸易国。
- To the contrary , germany is a huge trading nation .
- 北约已经在逐步减少其在阿富汗的战斗作用。
- Nato is already winding down its combat role in afghanistan .
- 美国需要一个更全面的战略来对抗失业。
- America needs a more comprehensive strategy to combat joblessness .
- 一个新的消费者保护机构将对抗不良贷款。
- A new consumer-protection agency will combat dodgy lending .
- 在逃的反叛军人首领雷纳多被击毙。
- Fugitive rebel commander alfredo reinado was killed .
- 其他的反叛组织并没有如此的平和。
- Other rebel groups sound less pacific .
- 但股价暴跌正促使平常温顺的股东开始反抗。
- But plummeting stock prices are spurring normally docile shareholders to rebel .
- 他们需要的是有回报的投资。
- They expect a return on investment .
- 然而科林再也没有回来。
- But colin never did return .
- 这还不算宇航员返回地球的时间。
- Astronauts would want a return trip .
- 薯条中有多少反式脂肪?
- How much trans fat in those fries ?
- 您会惊奇地看到今天有多少产品含有反式脂肪。
- You 'll be amazed to see how many products contain trans fats nowadays .
- 反式脂肪是如今富裕国家里那些健康活动家攻击得最猛烈的目标。
- Trans fats are the latest target of health activists in rich countries today .
- 国家媒体对此没有兴趣。
- State media were not interested .
- 相关证据并不令人鼓舞。
- The evidence is not encouraging .
- 但这也许不会发生。
- But it might not happen .