- 打击腐败,是最能让总统卡钦斯基和其孪生兄弟贾罗斯劳感到欣慰的事情。
- Fighting corruption was one of the things that most animated lech kaczynski and his twin brother jaroslaw .
- 但是个人经历能够解释双生子之间的另一半差异其影响与基因持平,甚至常常大于基因。
- But individual experiences explain half of the variations between twin pairs-as much as , and often more than , genes .
- 我认为自己是一个理性的人,从来不太理会所谓双生子有“联系”的故事。
- I see myself as a rational person and I 've never had much time for stories about twin " connections " .
- 越来越多地人将缠绕雅典的债务危机和美国历史上最大的破产案相联系,以希腊和雷曼兄弟为组合关键词的google搜索在0.23秒内产生93.3万个相关结果。
- Twinning the debt crisis engulfing athens with the largest bankruptcy in us history is increasingly popular . A google search combining " greece " and " lehman " takes about 0.23 seconds to generate 933000 references .
- 自治区目前已与国外24个城市或地区的姐妹。
- Autonomous region has currently 24 and twinning with foreign cities or regions .
- 他大笑,然而他一生工作中的光暗共存绝非偶然。
- He laughs but the twinning of darkness and lightness in his life 's work is no accident .
- 这些宇航员从水星、双子座飞行的那些先驱宇航员们的经历可知,他们的这次旅程会使他们成为名人。
- The astronauts knew from the experiences of their predecessors on the mercury and gemini flights that their trip would transform them into celebrities .
- 白羊座、射手座和双子座是富有冒险精神的星座,他们的确喜欢一个好的伴侣来陪他们一起经历。
- Aries , sagittarius , gemini are the adventurous signs and do like a good mate to keep them company along the way .
- 阿波罗号、双子座号及美国国家航空和宇宙航行局随后发送的所有飞船,包括航天飞机,都在用燃料电池。
- The apollo , gemini and all subsequent nasa missions , including the space shuttle , used fuel cells .