- 如果你还在上学,你也可以和学校辅导员谈一谈。
- Talk to your school counsellor if you are still at school .
- 作为一位前夏令营辅导员,我可以告诉你,想家是正常的。
- As a former summer camp counsellor I can tell you that homesickness is normal .
- 严厉的爱作为一位前夏令营辅导员,我可以告诉你,想家是正常的。
- Tough love as a former summer camp counsellor I can tell you that homesickness is normal .
- 一位德黑兰城市议员最近声称他的首都完全打破了空气污染的“一项新的世界纪录”。
- A tehran city councillor recently claimed for his capital nothing less than a " new world record " in air pollution .
- 前任地方议员说,游客在这里很受欢迎,而此刻一个卖炉子的小贩正对着一架相机皱眉,这告诉我们事情并非如此。
- A former local councillor said the tourists were welcome , while a stove-seller frowned at a camera and told a different story .
- 最后,该运动阵营中一名emiliaromagna地方议员被拍到抱怨该运动缺乏内部民主,并称casaleggio先生是既无法捉摸又残酷无情的统治者。
- And finally , a regional councillor for the movement in emilia romagna was filmed complaining of a lack of internal democracy and depicting mr casaleggio as a shadowy , ruthless manipulator .
- 上个月,英国某小镇议员西蒙派克斯告诉媒体,他的妈妈是一位有着九只脚的外星人。
- Last month , simon parkes , a british town councilor , told the press his mother was a nine-foot alien .
- 好吧,也许我该直接跟议员谈。
- Ok , maybe I should speak to the councilor directly .
- 无线新闻-政府提逐步削减委任区议员。
- Appointed councilor cut district government news progressively tvb .
- 新鲜的芝麻菜叶也含有很多的维他命c。
- Fresh rocket leaves contain good levels of vitamin c .
- 维他命c还能帮助你从食物中吸收更多的营养。
- Vitamin c also helps you absorb more nutrients from food .
- 许多人高估了维c和其它抗氧化剂的好处。
- Many people overestimate the benefits of vitamin c and other antioxidants .