Last month , simon parkes , a british town councilor , told the press his mother was a nine-foot alien .
Ok , maybe I should speak to the councilor directly .
Appointed councilor cut district government news progressively tvb .
If you get nowhere , call a city councilor .
The county councilor encountered the accountant at the counter of a countryside shop .
Voice secretary general , councilor of jiangsu mechanical engineering association .
Annual general meeting joint worship & election of councilor .
Executive councilor bernard chan has described a call by some democrats for a referendum on political reform in hong kong as a dangerous move .
Some officials such as cagayan de oro city councilor president elipe have blamed deforestation and land-clearing for farming for speeding up the flow of water and worsening the tragedy .
Appointed councilor by the shenzong emperor , wang over a number of years pushed through reforms that provided a greater role for the state in managing the economy , including adjusting the tax code and providing government loans to farmers .