- 将复制层置于原始图层之下。
- Put the copy below the original layer .
- 现代大都市扩张早已超越了城市原来的边界。
- The modern metropolis has spread far beyond this original location .
- 但是长期投资的最原始的优势并没有丧失。
- But the original advantages of long-term investing aren 't extinct .
- 主世界是我们的真实生活的世界。
- The primary world is our own real life .
- 教育和初级医疗保健都发生了改变。
- Schooling and primary health care are transformed .
- 但是我最主要的动机是科学性。
- But my primary motive was scientific .
- 生奶确实味道很好。
- Raw milk certainly tastes good .
- 不要吃生的鱼、贝类。
- Avoid raw fish and shellfish .
- 原始数据有什么激动人心之处呢?
- What 's so exciting about raw data ?
- 五位前部长也遭到指控。
- Five former ministers have been charged .
- 很多前战士堕落到去犯罪。
- Many former combatants drifted into crime .
- 索林佐公司是前者的样本。
- Solyndra was an example of the former .
- 原谅我,干燥的沙漠,原谅我一勺水也不能马上给你带去。
- Pardon me , deserts , that I don 't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water .
- 因为那个原因,库克,你能原谅这个表达,是一个杰出的执行主管。
- And for that course , cook is , you will pardon the expression , an executive chef extraordinaire .
- 能够原谅曾经伤害过我们的人,会明显有益心理健康。
- There are clear mental health benefits that come with the ability to pardon those who have hurt us .
- 原一男现在是学术界的中坚分子,在大阪大学进行纪录片的教学工作,他带着本片参加了英国谢菲尔德纪录片电影节。
- Hara is now firmly ensconced in academia teaching documentary filmmaking at the university of osaka but he recently attended the sheffield docfest to introduce a screening of extreme private eros .
- 那种古怪是容易理解的,而且,老实说吧,要不是上帝保佑,杰拉尔德
- That kind of queerness is easy to understand , for sure , and but for the grace of god gerald o hara would be having all those faults !
- 虽然日本导演原一男坚称自己绝对不是一个政治片导演,他1974年的纪录片《绝对隐私的性爱恋歌》仍然是过渡时期的日本社会的引人入胜的写照。
- Although the japanese director kazuo hara has insisted that he is anything but a political filmmaker his 1974 documentary extreme private eros ( gokushiteki erosu : renka 1974 ) remains a fascinating snapshot of japanese society at a time of transition .