- 卢修斯谢泼德创造了一个充满想象力的独特世界自尊心受损的巨大掠食者所构成的生机盎然的自然风貌,其满腔的怒火压迫、威胁着民众。
- The world lucius shepard has created is unique and imaginative - a lush landscape fashioned from a huge predator whose hurt pride and seething anger oppress and threaten the populace .
- 使我脱离那欺压我的恶人,就是围困我,要害我命的仇敌。
- From the wicked that oppress me , from my deadly enemies , who compass me about .
- 凭你的慈爱剪除我的仇敌,灭绝一切欺压我的人,因我是你的仆人。
- And in your lovingkindness cut off my enemies and destroy all those who oppress my soul , for I am your servant .
- 面对压力,他是试图去压制,还是与压力相伴。
- He can respond to the pressure for change by trying to repress it , or by going with it .
- 然而,埃及首都爆发了其它抗议活动,就连被派来压制青年抗议活动的警察也加入游行,要求加薪。
- Other protests , however , broke out in the capital , with even policemen who had been brought in to repress the youth revolt marching to demand better pay .
- 联邦行政、海军、陆军当局都将承认并保障以上人员的自由,并将不会采取任何行动来压制其赢得实际自由的努力。
- The federal executive and naval and military authorities will recognise and maintain the freedom of such persons , and will do no acts to repress them in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom .
- 我们特别强调这一点。
- We stress that point in particular .
- 我再次强调这是千真万确的。
- I cannot stress how true this is .
- 应激真正地连着你的心情。
- Stress really does mess with your mind .