- 在某种程度上是帕潘德里欧自己铸成了他的不幸。
- Mr papandreou was in part the author of his own misfortune .
- 否认这一权利无疑是给他们的不幸施加更多的残忍。
- To deny it to them is to add cruelty to misfortune .
- 从他人的不幸中获利,你作何想?
- How would you feel about benefiting from someone else 's misfortune ?
- 人们即使在逆境中也会微笑。
- People smile , even in adversity .
- 金融危机促使各国在逆境中团结起来。
- The financial crisis saw unity forged in adversity .
- 我们有如宝石,需要经过苦难的锤凿来雕琢。
- We are like jewels , shaped with the hammer and chisel of adversity .