- 作为世界首屈一指的创新者,美国在这方面应该起到模范带头作用。
- As the world 's foremost innovator , the us should take the lead .
- 他饶有兴趣地注意到,埃及的外交势力日渐削弱,沙特阿拉伯则不愿带头,土耳其及其政治反叛者在小型舰队攻击导致九名土耳其人身亡这一事件之后发起反抗而且叙利亚和伊朗(均为哈马斯的支持者)具有强劲的恢复力。
- He notes with relish the weakening diplomatic clout of egypt , the reluctance of saudi arabia to take the lead , the rise of turkey and its froideur with israel following the flotilla episode that left nine turks dead , and the resilience of both syria and iran , both backers of hamas .
- 这掩饰了峰会结论希望将欧盟打造成“一个愿为世界安全效力,愿为迎接共同挑战首当其冲的世界有效演员角色。”
- This belies the summit 's conclusions , which aspired to make the eu " an effective global actor , ready to share in the responsibility for global security and to take the lead in the definition of joint responses to common challenges " .