- 象根竹竿,卷毛,跑起来就像帆船上的小婊子。
- Built like a beanpole , curly hair , runs away like a little bitch on a sailboat .
- 劳拉身材高挑、体型婀娜,留着一头金色的直发;我个儿矮,留一头深色卷发。
- She was tall and willowy with straight blond hair ; I was short with dark , curly hair .
- 这种发型你需要:波浪或卷曲的头发,或时间长了发型会变的。
- The hair you 'll need : wavy or curly hair and time to grow it out .
- 饰扣亮闪而不粗俗。
- The buckle is flash without being crass .
- 特点:玫瑰金饰扣的低统靴。
- Characteristics : a low boot with a pink-gold buckle .
- 滑雪服务人员会帮客人系上靴扣,并将滑雪板放在地上。
- Ski valets buckle guest 's boots and lay out their skis on the snow .