- 占领华尔街应该是幸运的。
- Occupy wall street should be so lucky .
- 那么,哪个地区现在会占据道德高地呢?
- So which region will now occupy the moral high ground ?
- 以色列毕竟入侵过黎巴嫩而且占据了一部分领土长达22年。
- Israel did after all invade lebanon and occupy bits of it for 22 years .
- 碳捕获和隔离技术仍处于不成熟的阶段。
- Carbon capture and sequestration is still at a very early stage .
- 你也许会为自己所创造捕捉的镜头而大吃一惊!
- You may surprise yourself with what you can create and capture !
- 但是碳捕获技术必须应用到天然气发电厂上。
- But carbon capture must also be applied to gas power plants .
- 水务公司应当牢牢抓住这一机遇。
- Water companies should seize the opportunity .
- 我认为他们应该抓住这个机会。
- I think they should seize that opportunity .
- 但是,我们能够把握时机或者说我们能成功地以债务刺激消费恢复经济吗?
- But can we seize the moment or will the temptation to restore the economy with debt-fuelled consumerism prevail ?
- 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。
- Foreigners already hold half the national debt .
- 把它举在你朋友的头顶上面。
- Hold it over your friend 's head .
- 但是我找不到一把称手的刀。
- But I can 't find a knife I like to hold .