- 12岁那年听了表姐克莱尔的演奏后,我开始学吹单簧管,并且全情投入,每天要练3到6个小时。
- I took up the clarinet at age twelve after hearing my cousin claire play , and practiced with total dedication , between three and six hours a day .
- 格伦米勒是我心目中的英雄,他把乐队的一支单簧管和两只次高音及两只高音萨克斯组合在一起,赋予音乐天鹅绒般的全新质感。
- One of my heroes was glenn miller , who gave the music a new , velvet dimension by grouping a clarinet with two alto and two tenor saxes in his band .
- 我还能准确地记得:日本袭击珍珠港那天,我在房间里练习单簧管。
- I remember exactly where I was on the day the japanese attacked pearl harbor : in my room practicing my clarinet .