- 按单一药物使用频度排列前5位的是:麦普替林、利培酮、曲唑酮、氟西汀、氟哌啶醇。
- According to using frequency of single drug , the first 5 drugs were successively maprotyline , risperdone , trazodone , fluoxetine and halopri-dol .
- 去年玻利维亚的左翼政府毅然退出了联合国麻醉药单一公约,这是1961年颁布的为巩固禁令的条约。
- Last year bolivia 's left-wing government briefly withdrew from the un 's single convention on narcotic drugs , the 1961 treaty underpinning prohibition .
- 根据汤森路透的资料,2001年到2005年,《柳叶刀》只发布了一次撤销论文的通知,但是在接下来的五年中却发布了五次通知,其中包括那篇发现合用两种常见血压药更有效的论文。
- The lancet issued just a single retraction notice from 2001 through 2005 , but five in the next five years , according to thomson reuters . They included the one finding great promise in the combined use of two common blood-pressure drugs .