- 与那些在街边拉客的同行不同,高级应召女郎还可以作女伴,经常陪客户去参加晚宴或者派对。
- Unlike their low-end counterparts , high-end call girls are expected to supply some level of companionship , and often accompany clients to dinners or parties .
- 断线、偏音、单元失声是比较常见的现象,并且这一现象并不拘泥于低端耳机,一些高端耳机也经常会显现故障。
- Wire break , audio deviation and unit aphonia are the common breakdown which not only occurs in the low-end headphones , but also happens in some high-end ones frequently .
- 低端cpu能否带得动高端的8800gt呢?
- Low-end high-end cpu can move out of the 8800gt with it ?