- 古典协奏曲在风格上与古典歌剧十分接近,在其中一方面成功的作曲家通常在另一方面也表现不俗。
- The classical concerto being so close in style to the classical opera , composers who were successful in one were usually successful in the other .
- 我自己也多次吹奏这首协奏曲,曲子开头那个高音d拖了足足有4个小节,每次都吹得要我的老命哦。
- I 've played the concerto many times , and that long , held , high d over four bars at the opening is a killer .
- 她在晚上教书,在白天写作和听柴可夫斯基的小提琴协奏曲。
- She taught at night , and during the day she wrote and listened to tchaikovsky 's violin concerto .
- 巴赫:为单、双羽管键琴而作的协奏曲。
- Bach : the concertos for one and two harpsichords cd .
- 刘欣妮与非凡管弦乐团-钢琴协奏曲之夜。
- Piano concertos : hsin-ni liu and wach orchestra .
- 阿胥肯纳吉:演奏伟大钢琴协奏曲。
- Vladimir ashkenazy : great piano concertos .