- 日记1:在寒冷,下着雨的早晨,黎明前夕,我被一阵哗啦的靴子声吵醒,原来是睡眼朦胧,郁郁寡欢的孩童,他们急促地跑向大工厂,而不是学校。
- Character voice 1 : on cold , rainy mornings , well before dawn , I have been awakened by the clatter of boots as the half-awake , joyless children hurried not to school , but to the great factory .
- 但一些国家开始意识到问题的严重性:在英国,商业房产实际价格下跌了一半,大的房地产集团已经筹集资金来支撑其报表和降价来吸引外国投资者来伦敦买房。
- Some countries are awake to this : in britain where prices have fallen by nearly half in real terms big property groups have raised equity to shore up their balance-sheets and reduced prices are attracting foreign buyers to london .
- 我哭了半个月呢。
- I cried for half a month .
- 半数以上的死亡发生在医院之外。
- Half the deaths occurred out of hospital .
- 而国家的平均人数是低于半数的。
- The national average is less than half .