- 突然,那些经常谈起的家族故事,她从小就听,尽管有点不耐烦但仍然似懂非懂地听着故事,现在像水晶般清晰起来。
- Of a sudden , the oft-told family tales to which she had listened since babyhood , listened half-bored , impatient and but partly comprehending , were crystal clear .
- 琼斯先生打算辞职不干了,但他妻子劝他不要草率行事。
- Mr jones was thinking about quitting his job , but his wife told him not to go off at half cock .
- 这场吻戏出现在哈利波特系列影片第7部,也是作家j.k罗琳所著的哈利波特系列的终结版。艾玛沃特森在本周四参加宣传《哈利波特与混血王子》的记者招待会时称,她和搭档在两周前拍摄了这场吻戏。
- The kiss happens in the seventh and final book in author j. k. rowling 's series and watson told a news conference on thursday -- promoting the sixth film " harry potter and the half-blood prince " -- that the scene was filmed two weeks ago .