- 拖到绘图页上,然后右击可指定提升机类型。
- Drag onto the page , then right-click to specify hoist type .
- 他们不得不把钢琴吊起来,从窗户中运进来。
- They had to hoist the piano in through the window .
- 用于吊笼宽度为23米的升降机。
- This hoist can be used with cage width 23m .
- 我喜欢看到电梯把他们带到那么高的地方。
- I like to watch the elevator carry the men up so high .
- 在电梯里与服务生闲谈总该可以了吧?
- Is it even ok to chat up the attendant in the elevator ?
- 她还常常观看回放电梯决策过程的计算机模拟程序。
- Her work often involves watching computer simulation programs that replay elevator decision-making .
- 我在电梯里待了41个小时。
- I had been in that lift for 41 hours .
- 在地球上建造这样一部电梯的挑战是巨大的。
- The challenge of building such a lift on earth is immense .
- 正当我步入电梯时,她走上来问我:您有什么意见吗?
- Had I had any problems , she asked as I stepped into the lift ?
- 太妙了,我想举重运动员个个都很健壮。
- That 's great . I think each lifter must be every strong .
- 三维运动学仿真男子举重运动员抓举技术及膝关节运动分析。
- Three-dimensional kinematics simulation of snatch in male weight lifter and knee joint movement analysis .
- 汽车举升机、上料机、松砂机。
- Car lifter , feeder , sand aerator .