- 不鸣不放是不利的,小鸣小放不能解决问题,还是要大鸣大放。
- No airing of views is not to our advantage and airing views in a small way can solve no problems , therefore views must be aired in a big way .
- “上世纪50年代在弗雷明汉才真正广泛开始研究起来”美国癌症协会的流行病学家麦克图恩说。
- " It really began in a big way in the framingham study in the 1950s , " says michael thun , an epidemiologist with the american cancer society .
- 水星逆行时跟老友人和旧同事联络总是个好点子,但是由于水星逆行是趋向行将发生重大转变的急迫讯号,时候做任何重大裁夺或宣告都是不智之举。
- It 's always a good idea to go back to old friends and colleagues when mercury retrogrades , but since a mercury retrograde period is an instant signal that the wind is about to change direction in a big way , it is not wise to make any big decisions or announcements .