- 2007年初始,加拿大卡尔加里(calgary)禁烟。
- At the start of 2007 , calgary went smoke-free .
- 把自己关进一个无烟的房间,将一条湿毛巾放于门下方以阻止烟雾进入房间,丹麦克布莱德,纽约的一名消防队员说。
- Close yourself in a smoke-free room and place a wet towel underneath the door to prevent any smoke from entering , says dan mcbride , a firefighter in new york city .
- 许多对烟雾缭绕的酒吧有怨言的人也不会去无烟酒吧,否则无烟酒吧早就出现了。
- Many of the people who grumble about smoky pubs wouldn 't go to smoke-free pubs either , or smoke-free pubs would already exist .