- 千克是目前唯一一个以人工制品为参照标准的计量单位。
- The kilogram is the only unit of measurement still based on a man-made artifact .
- 近年来,这一行业将铟的价格拉升到每千克1000美元。
- Has driven indium prices to $ 1000 per kilogram in recent years .
- 1889年某项国际协议中规定,该铂铱合金圆柱体的质量为1千克。
- By an 1889 international accord , the mass of this metal cylinder defines the kilogram .
- 两年前,从南京或上海空运货物至欧洲,每公斤运费高达4美元;如今的价格约为2.50美元。
- Two years ago , flying goods from nanjing or shanghai to europe cost up to $ 4 a kilogramme ; today it the price is about $ 2.50 .
- 市政府官员表示,周三东京都的净水厂检测到碘131,浓度为每公斤210贝克勒尔,是日本为婴儿设定的安全饮用上限每公斤100贝克勒尔的两倍以上。
- Municipal officials said levels of iodine-131 measured at tokyo 's water purifican plant had risen to 210 becquerels per kilogramme on wednesday , more than twice japan 's 100 bq / kg recommended limit for infants .
- 当时,这个全球最大香草生产国卷入内战,造成香草价格从每公斤25美元飙升至400美元。
- The country , which was the world 's largest producer of vanilla , was engulfed in civil war , causing the price of vanilla to soar from $ 25 a kilogramme to $ 400 / kg .
- 最大的面包房重达17250千克,它制造出了587千克的成品。
- The largest bakery weighs 17 250 kg and produces 587 kg of ready-made products .
- 他补充称,产量下降将令茶叶价格在每千克约4.50美元的水平获得支撑。
- The falls in production would support prices at a level of about $ 4.50 a kg , he added .
- 在一年里,这些老鼠每天按每千克(2.2磅)体重12.5克的标准摄取果糖。
- The rats were fed 12.5 grams of fructose per kg ( 2.2 pounds ) of weight every day for a year .