- 他在监狱中呆了十年。
- He spent ten years in prison .
- 奔流在十盎司的心脏中。
- Pumped by ten ounces of heart .
- 他们孩子的年龄大部分在十个月到一岁之间。
- The median age of the children was one year and ten months .
- 但从亚伯拉罕的故事起,对于犹太民族而言更为特殊的东西开始了。
- But with the stow of abraham begins something more special to the jewish race .
- 小的帆面更轻,更容易升起和拉平,收储起来也更小。
- Smaller sails are lighter , easier to hoist and trim , and smaller to stow .
- 这个时候生意很清淡。
- Business is rather stow at the moment .