- 但根据占星家的说法,黄道上有12星座。
- But according to astrologers there are 12 signs of the zodiac .
- 你是什么星座的?
- What zodiac sign are you ?
- 送上一份星座石礼物,除了宝石本身外也还包含了星座本身的寓意。
- When presenting a zodiac stone gift , include a description of the gem 's astrological significance and origins .
- 我给最近的学者打电话解决这些问题,荷兰乌得勒支大学计算机辅助古埃及研究中心的西尔维科维尔,她告诉我丹德拉星座展示了埃及人已知的五颗行星,也告诉了我恒星和星座。
- I called the latest scholar to tackle these questions , sylvie cauville of the centre for computer-aided egyptological research at utrecht university , the netherlands . She told me that as well as star constellations , the zodiac of dendera shows the five planets known to the egyptians .
- 下面的图加了亮星和星座的英文标注。
- Just put your cursor over the picture to identify the planets and constellations .
- 虽然它是面积最大的星座之一,但却并没有十分明亮的恒星。
- Although one of the largest constellations in area , it boasts no bright stars .