- 如果俄罗斯想扩大其在北冰洋的领土,那么它就必须证明其大陆架是西伯利亚大陆的延伸。
- Russia will have to prove that its shelf continues the siberian continental platform in order to enlarge its territory in the arctic ocean .
- 2008年夏季白令海和北冰洋异养浮游细菌丰度与分布特征。
- Heterotrophic bacterial abundance and distribution in the bering sea and the arctic ocean in the summer of 2008 .
- 在人们处于对气候的争论时北冰洋冰盖有一些乞力马扎罗山积雪消失时一样的特点,这是我几年前知道的,那时我在北极附近的大块浮冰上扎营其以4百码一小时的速度漂流。
- The arctic ocean ice sheath , which I got to know several years ago while camped near the north pole on floes that were drifting 400 yards an hour , has some of the qualities of the vanishing snows of kilimanjaro when thrust into the climate debate .