- 如果我们想具有竞争力,我们需要教育每一个人。
- If we want to be competitive , we need to educate everybody .
- 美国,作为市场、技术来源以及一个培养精英的地方,具有独一无二的价值。
- America is uniquely valued as a market , a source of technology , and a place to educate elites .
- 他建议开展一项公共信息计划,教育阿富汗人民学习民主。
- He recommended a public information program to educate afghans about democracy .
- 随着现代教育内容来源的拓宽和各门学科之间的互相渗透,谁也无法让学生在有限的时间内学完无限的知识。
- Along with the development of modern edu cation contents and courses that permeate each other , no one can let the student s learn infinitely within a limited time .
- 瓦伦西亚的中场左路维森特由于在上次斯坦福桥的比赛中脚部受伤而被列入了球队的缺阵名单,这个名单上还包括巴拉哈、埃杜以及停赛的马切纳和瓦内罗。
- Valencia will be without left-sided midfielder vicente who injured his hamstring at stamford bridge , joining a missing list that includes ruben baraja , edu and suspended pair carlos marchena and david navarro .
- 瓦伦西亚目前只有一个左后卫,莫雷蒂,但是科曼要求签一个新的中场,这将使得埃杜和费尔南德斯的未来让人怀疑。
- Valencia can only count on emiliano moretti as their senior left-back , however koeman 's demand for a new midfield signing has put the futures of edu and manuel fernandes in doubt .