- 这是第一次对扁桃腺受伤的人进行研究,并发现这一损伤会导致恐惧感缺失。
- It 's the first human study to show that amygdala damage can wipe out fearful feeling , they say .
- 环境组织则称bt茄子或许在异体授粉的过程中破坏了数千种土生的茄子品种。
- Environmental groups claimed bt brinjal might , through cross-pollination , wipe out thousands of indigenous brinjal varieties .
- 里约州长卡布拉尔表示,不会因此停止在贫民窟中清剿毒贩的行动。
- Rio governor , cabral said , will not wipe out drug traffickers in the slums to stop the action .
- 还有些基金将清偿债务或是挂牌出售。
- Others will liquidate or put themselves up for sale .
- 这些以服务业为基础的国家基本没有存货要变现。
- Their service-based economies have fewer stocks to liquidate .
- 由于陷入恐慌的投资者变现一切资产,金价下跌了近200美元。
- Gold 's come down nearly $ 200 in the panic , as investors liquidate everything .
- 随后的估算已迫使各大银行注销了巨额资金。
- The subsequent reckoning has forced major banks to write off vast sums of money .
- 另一个办法是直接勾销坏账和调整银行的资本结构。
- The alternative is to write off loans and recapitalise their banks directly .
- 默克尔说各国即将达成共识,但又拒绝应国际货币基金组织的要求,为了希腊的可持续发展,取消其对欧元区成员国的部分债务。
- Mrs merkel said a deal was at hand but again rejected pressure from the imf to write off some of greece 's debt to euro-zone partners to make it more sustainable .