- 我服役的时候就像是一场梦。
- My service is like a dream .
- 亚洲地区服务业部门的生产率也让人失望。
- Productivity in the region 's service sector is also disappointing .
- 在日本,服务业及制造业双双预计将继续裁员。
- In japan , service as well as manufacturing companies expected to cut jobs .
- 作为一名律师有责任为客户保密。
- A lawyer has a duty of confidentiality .
- 你有责任抚养儿女直至大学毕业。
- Your duty to put your offspring through college .
- 同时,他宣布将在较大范围内缩减用税。
- He also announced duty reductions on a wide range of items .