- 政府出资的探索行动一般要经历两个阶段。
- Government-sponsored exploration always has two stages .
- 该集团过去主要从事勘探和生产活动。
- Cnpc historically focused on exploration and production .
- 这种探索的方向是一个未决的问题。
- Where that exploration will lead is an open question .
- 然而,法官们并没有明令禁止在sarayaku土地上探矿的行为。
- However , the judges did not ban prospecting on sarayaku lands .
- departmentofmineralsandenergy已经表明它将在接到申请后6个月内发出新的探矿执照,矿业的执照则在一年内,在最近几个月中,速度也在加快。
- The department of minerals and energy has said it will issue new prospecting licences within six months of application , and mining ones within one year , and the pace has accelerated in recent months .
- 接着发生了英格兰的“南海泡沫”(southseabubble)和与之相关的法国“密西西比泡沫”(mississippibubble),投资者争先恐后出资支持新大陆的探矿热潮。
- Then came the south sea bubble in england and the related mississippi bubble in france , as investors fell over themselves to finance prospecting in the new world .