- 上诉人确无采取或尝试采取合理及合法可行途径。
- The appellant had failed to take or endeavour to take reasonable and legitimate measures .
- 为尽力表明他仍大权在握,他启程前在照相机上弄了一个电子章,这样他不在的时候可以使用。
- To endeavour to show that he remains in charge before his departure he created on camera an electronic signature for use while he is away .
- 尽管我们能够也应该尽力的去提高自己在某些方面的弱势,如果做不到,就专注于最大限度的发挥自己的长处(包括你具备的所有优秀品质)。
- Although we all can and should endeavour to improve in areas in which we 're weak there 's just as much , if not more , to be gained from focusing on the maximal utilisation of your strengths ( including all your positive qualities and attributes ) .