- 就葡萄牙殖民者而言,他们发现所谓新世界能让他们一夜暴富之说不过是个飘忽的泡泡,他们开始努力压榨原住民,强迫他们到糖厂工作。
- For their part , the portuguese colonists-disappointed that the instant riches promised by the new world had proved elusive-were knuckling down to the hard work of oppressing the natives , forcing them to work in sugar mills .
- 我这些年来已经做了很多不同的工作,在一整年辛勤工作的最后你总是发觉到人们唯一能记住的是你在一个特别的小品里讲过的一句台词,理由是它很有趣。
- I 've done a lot of different work over the years , and at the end of a long year of hard work you often realize that the only thing people will remember is one line you said in one particular skit , because it was funny .
- 其中的理念是,企业主更有可能相信那些看上去因辛勤工作而流汗的人,那些看上去确实在努力争取业务的人,而不是衣冠楚楚的油滑的推销员。
- The idea was that the business owners would be more likely to trust someone looking a little sweaty from hard work , and who looked like he was trying really hard to win business than a slick salesman in a fine suit .