- 要坚持自力更生,艰苦创业,充分发挥广大干部群众的进取精神和创造精神。
- We must uphold the principles of self-reliance and hard work and let cadres and the general public give full expression to their initiative and creativeness .
- 那些在印度独立后相信尼赫鲁的社会主义梦想的人们那些信奉节俭、诚实、努力工作和爱国主义的教师和公务员,眼看着其他人践踏这些价值观,攫取财富、名望并从中得到满足。
- Those who bought into the nehruvian socialist dream after independence those teachers and public servants who believed in frugality , honesty , hard work and nationalism saw others riding roughshod over those values and growing in wealth , prestige and
- 其中的理念是,企业主更有可能相信那些看上去因辛勤工作而流汗的人,那些看上去确实在努力争取业务的人,而不是衣冠楚楚的油滑的推销员。
- The idea was that the business owners would be more likely to trust someone looking a little sweaty from hard work , and who looked like he was trying really hard to win business than a slick salesman in a fine suit .