- 工作与劳动的区别不在于脑力劳动与体力劳动的区别。
- The difference between work and labor does not lie in the difference between m ental and manual jobs .
- 如果金钱能买来健康和休闲,赶走忧虑和辛劳,那么为何研究发现金钱对快乐的影响如此微弱?
- If money can buy health and leisure and banish worry and toil , why is the effect of money on happiness so weak in studies ?
- 其实他更应该让人记住的是他在参议院里纵横47年的辛劳,在那里他是一名有惊世才能的立法者。
- He ought rather to be remembered for his 47 years of manly toil in the senate , where he was a staggeringly capable legislator .
- 因此若报纸和粗俗的平装书能创造社会、政治新单位,还有人为此辛劳牺牲,则此最新沟通方式亦可实现。
- So if newspapers and tatty paperbacks can create new social and political units , for which people toil and die , perhaps the latest forms of communication can do likewise .
- 但是,需要进行更多的劳工改革。
- But more labour reform is needed .
- 澳门政府也很担心劳工人员的不满。
- The government is worried about labour discontent .
- 这意味着改革劳动力市场。
- This means labour market reform .