- 海盗的策略变化使他们最近几天成功地劫持了很多船只,包括一艘私人游艇,上面还有一个孩子。
- The change in tactic has allowed pirates to successfully hijack numerous ships in recent days , including a private yacht with a child on board .
- 美国及西方世界的敌人不是那些会发射导弹的人,而是那些劫持了燃料充足的航班然后撞向满是人群的高楼大厦的人。
- Among the enemies of america and the west are men who do not fire missiles , but who hijack aircraft full of fuel and fly them into crowded buildings .
- 女议员试图劫持贵族,20世纪英国和平时期最伟大的、秉持理性主义的首相在她自己的竞选里一定会怒火中烧。
- For the congresswoman to attempt to hijack the noble , rationalist legacy of britain 's greatest 20th-century peacetime premier for her own campaign is regurgitatively infuriating .
- 他还在收集着更多有关她遭绑架时拼命挣扎的信息。
- He has also since garnered more information about her desperate struggle against her abduction .
- 新闻记者很少提到关于虐待小孩的案例,除非其事件包括性侵犯者的诱拐或谋杀。
- Journalists rarely cover child abuse cases unless they involve abduction and murder by sex offenders .
- 将一本讲述一个年轻女孩遭诱拐后杀害的书写得如此振奋人心可需要相当大的勇气。
- It takes a certain audacity to write an uplifting book about the abduction and murder of a young girl .
- 移动电话使绑架案件受害人和证人能够迅速通知警方。
- Mobiles enable kidnap victims and witnesses to inform the police swiftly .
- 在我13年的谈判生涯中,我处理过120起海外劫持案件和无数其它的人质事件,但韦科事件是最令我痛苦难忘的。
- In my 13-year career as a negotiator , I dealt with 120 overseas kidnap cases and countless other hostage cases , but waco was the most traumatic .
- 他还宣称印度对这个国家进行了电子监控,并从孟加拉国的城市绑架嫌疑人。
- He claims that indians conduct electronic surveillance in the country and kidnap suspects from bangladeshi cities .