- 然而,一个依靠最原始的刺激来吸引人们从事基本活动的体系在本质上是有缺陷的。
- But a system that depends on attracting people to base activities through base motivation is fundamentally flawed .
- 你有实现它的动力吗?
- Do you have the motivation ?
- 未经思考的动机。
- Not thinking through your motivation .
- 但我还有一个私底下的目的。
- But I had an ulterior motive .
- 刺杀计划动机是什么?
- And what was the motive ?
- 动机上的不同就更明显了。
- Motive provides an even clearer difference .
- 改变行为需要更多的目的。
- Changing behavior requires more than intention .
- 但是谷歌的意图非常明确。
- But google 's intention is clear .
- 该组织否认其有任何邪恶的意图。
- It denies any sinister intention .
- 人口优势则是另一原因。
- Favourable demography is another cause .
- 昂贵薪酬也会引起不满。
- Expensive hires can cause resentment .
- 这个问题引起人们的焦虑。
- This question lets people cause anxiety .