- 在昨天伯恩赛德列车相撞事故中死亡的人数上升至四人,家住彼得斯维尔的32岁的约翰-菲利普斯在沃尔森德医院去世。
- The death toll of the burnside train crash rose to four yesterday when john phillips , 32 , of petersville died in wallsend hospital .
- 约翰伯恩赛德(1955-)著有9本诗集和5部小说。
- John burnside ( b. 1955 ) is the author of nine collections of poetry and five works of fiction .
- 他谦逊的表述使我们更多地关注于语言之美,伯恩赛德深受哲学家海德格尔的影响,用海德格尔的话来说,他“将不可言说的带到了现实世界。”(《艺术作品的起源》)
- His modest delivery allows us to concentrate all the more clearly on the beauty of the language through which , in the words of the philosopher , heidegger , one of burnside 's influences , he " brings the unsayable ... into the world . " ( The origins of the work of art ) .