- 酸奶酪的消费突然变成了双倍了。
- The cost of yogurt was suddenly double .
- 准备好得到双倍的收获。
- Get ready for the double portion .
- 预算赤字猛增到足足两倍的数额。
- The budget deficit had soared well into double figures .
- 传统零售商应对网络销售最直接的应对措施是进一步加强网络销售力度。
- The most obvious response to the growth of e-tailing is for conventional retailers to redouble their own efforts online .
- 堵住澳大利亚北海岸的一个石油钻塔的泄露花费了10星期,推动了活动家们加强他们对在纯净的西澳大利亚洲海岸线发展石油和天然气的发对。
- A recent spill from an oil rig off australia 's northern coast took ten weeks to plug , prompting activists to redouble their opposition to oil-and-gas development along western australia 's pristine coastline .
- 我们将与金融服务技能委员会(financialservicesskillscouncil)合作,审查长期技能需求,并与英国的世界级大学合作,加强培训工作。
- We will work with the financial services skills council to examine long-term skills needs and work with britain 's world-class universities to redouble training .