- 他将享受美好的时光。
- He 'll have a wonderful time .
- 一次教一个单词。
- Teach a word at a time .
- 校园里太多的空闲时光?
- Too much free time on campus ?
- 扩充自己,学习新的技术。
- Branch out and learn a new skill .
- 不要等到你的技术很好的时刻。
- Don 't wait until your skill is good .
- 他们认为许多年轻一点的工人缺乏技术。
- We find many of the younger workers wanting in skill .
- 艺术品市场也疯狂了一次。
- Let the art market roar .
- 你的艺术品仅属于你。
- But your art is for you .
- 我的美术老师是琼斯太太。
- My art teacher is mrs jones .
- 材料很好,设计时尚,做工优秀。
- They 're good in material , fashionable in design and superb in workmanship .
- 只有这样的心理基础才能导致一种快乐的愿望,去追求人类最高财富,即知识和艺术家般的技艺。
- Such a psychological foundation alone leads to a joyous desire for the highest possessions of men , knowledge and artistlike workmanship .
- 一份2004年的学术研究估计十分之九的建筑工人没有受到过任何培训,大量的新闻报道表明,偷工减料已成一种普遍现象,有时劣质的建筑材料和毛躁的做工伴随着贪污腐败。
- A 2004 academic study estimated that 9 in 10 construction workers had no training , and a sheaf of news reports show that shortcuts are common , sometimes involving shoddy materials and workmanship as well as corruption .