proce 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Intel 's current top-end chi have two proce ing cores , allowing them to better handle multiple tasks at the same time .
- 现行的英特尔高端芯片是双核的,能够更好的同时处理多个任务。
- Co ection time-outs help reduce the lo of proce ing resources co umed by idle co ectio .
- 设置失效连接时间可以减少处理空闲连接浪费系统资源的消耗。
- But when the bill a eared in danger of being defeated at the second reading , mr tsang said his party would su ort it so it could go on to the final stage of the legislative proce .
- 但当杀局草案在二读阶段出现票数不足而遭否决的危机时,民建联主席曾钰成转,令杀局草案得以进入最后表决阶段。
- Shoulder surgery : principles and proce .
- 肩关节外科学原理与实践。
- 19.24 Proce and quality problems should be evaluated .
- 19.24对工艺和质量问题应当进行评估。
- Application of nursing proce dure te aching in clinical te aching .
- 护理流程教学在临床带教中的应用。
- And please tell me the check in proce dures ?
- 并且请问登机手续怎么办理?