- 就像保罗所说:“藉着基督所赐的力量,我已准备好能够胜任任何事,我在基督的供应里一切充足。”
- You will be like paul : " I am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner strength into me , that is , I am self-sufficient in christ 's sufficiency . "
- 在目前劳资双方力量非均衡的条件下,政府必须加速推进劳动关系的法制化和契约化,以推动和谐社会的建立。
- Under the present condition that the strength of workers and the strength of employers are not equal , the government should accelerate to solve the problem of the labour realtions with the mens of the law and contract in order to build a harmonious society .