- 但是一些登山家并没有放弃。
- But some mountaineers do not give up .
- 这仿佛给他捎来飞鸿,让他不要放弃这一切。
- It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up .
- 可能,偶尔抽一支,戒起烟来也容易一点。
- It may be easier too to give up though not much .
- 然而女性的情况则有所不同。
- It 's different for girls , though .
- 那个城市虽然历经沧海桑田依然健在。
- The city still stands though much changed .
- 不过这并没有进行多长时间。
- This didn 't last long though .