- 裂变径迹法是研究区域隆升与剥蚀的一种有效手段,它能为我们提供剥蚀速率以及剥蚀量的定量数据。
- While fission track method is an effective way to study regional uplift and denudation , it can provide us denudation rate and degree quantitatively .
- 其风化剥蚀、变色,直接影响到洞穴旅游业的可持续发展。
- Its weather denudation and color change will directly effect sustainable development of cave tourism .
- 构造趋势法计算剥蚀量的计算机实现。
- Computer realization of calculating denudation quantity by structural trend method .
- 多个垂直的节理平面控制了侵蚀在哪儿发生以及侵蚀速度有多快。
- Numerous vertical joint planes controlled where and how fast erosion took place .
- 剥蚀赋予了它蜂巢状的外形。
- Erosion shaped its honeycombed appearance .
- 但他们很有可能会在岛上别处的海岸腐蚀上作一些斗争。
- But perhaps they will jump-start the fight against coastal erosion elsewhere .
- 毫无疑问,这些城市的部分议员私下会担心市长剥夺他们的权力和优势。
- Indeed , some mps from these cities are privately anxious that mayors will denude them of power and prestige .
- 面向国内的金融举措日益泛滥,意味着国际金融体系不仅处于割裂状态,还可能全面瓦解。
- The proliferation of domestic - oriented finance measures not only fragments the international financial system , but risks its disintegration .
- 他们必须减少通货紧缩与通货膨胀,违约与崩溃的危险。
- They will have to discount the prospects of deflation and inflation default and disintegration .
- 一些列不确定性明显扩大:市场同时需要减少通胀、违约以及崩溃。
- The range of uncertainties is unusually wide : markets need to discount inflation default and disintegration all at the same time .