- 神经系统科学家研究人类对于世界的感知能力,他们解剖大脑来理解“人”这种动物。
- Neuroscientists study our perceptions of this world ; they dissect the brain in order to understand the human animal .
- 如果我们花费更多的资源去研究或在一个更基础的层面上剖析一个系统或寻找更细小的相关性,我们将会了解事物究竟如何运作。
- If only we devote more resources to research or dissect the system at a more fundamental level or search for ever more subtle correlations , we can discover how it all works .
- 他是一个开朗的老农夫,一边品尝妻子做的米糕一边还在开着玩笑,随后轻松地说明把一个被赤身裸体绑在手术床上的30岁男人切开进行活体解剖而不作麻醉是什么样的情景。
- He is a cheerful old farmer who jokes as he serves rice cakes made by his wife , and then he switches easily to explaining what it is like to cut open a 30-year-old man who is tied naked to a bed and dissect him alive , without anesthetic .
- 他们需要做的只是从一个全新的角度分析这些数据。
- They just need to analyse those data from a new perspective .
- 港务局委任其租赁代理对其中风险进行了分析。
- The port authority commissioned its leasing agent to analyse the risk involved .
- 而印度同行认为他们的角色是进行新闻报道和新闻分析。
- The indians thought theirs was to report and analyse them .
- 了解阻碍你的究竟为何检查过去的失败。
- Be aware of barriers - examine past failures .
- 不仅要审查人口和地理区域,而且要考虑设计或编辑风格。
- Examine not only demographics and geographic areas , but also programming or editorial style .
- 欧美监管部门应利用ita交易,对这一问题进行全面审查。
- European and us regulators should use the ita deal to examine the issue broadly .
- 我也将大量的时间用在解剖学和性方面的教育上。
- A good deal of my time is also spent educating them about anatomy and sexuality .
- 这也是这具木乃伊在解剖时所采取的破坏行动吗?
- Was this part of the mummy 's anatomy sabotaged too ?
- 这种技术如此有效是因为它不仅记录了解剖内容还记录了人体活动。
- What makes it so powerful is that it records activity as well as anatomy .