- 其纤维可制造绳索,应用于航海,农业,运输和工业,也用于制造席子,地毯,女帽和刷子。有时称为西沙尔大麻,但与真正的大麻无关。
- The fibre is made into ropes and twines for marine , agricultural , shipping , and general industrial use , as well as into matting , rugs , hats , and brushes . Though sometimes referred to as sisal hemp , it is not related to true hemp .
- 其纤维可制造绳索,应用于航海、农业、运输和工业,也用于制造席子、地毯、女帽和刷子。有时称为西沙尔大麻,但与真正的大麻无关。
- " The fibre is made into ropes and twines for marine , agricultural , shipping , and general industrial use , as well as into matting , rugs , hats , and brushes . Though sometimes referred to as sisal hemp , it is not related to true hemp . "
- 其纤维可制造绳索,应用于航海,农业,运输和工业,也用于制造席子,地毯,女帽和刷子。有时称为西沙尔大麻,但与真正的大麻无关。
- The fibre is made into ropes and twines for marine , agricultural , shipping , and general industrial use , as well as into matting , rugs , hats , and brushes . Though sometimes referred to as sisal hemp , it is not related to true hemp .