- 对于那些记得起以往石油危机的人而言,这是一个令人担心的预兆。
- For those with memories of past shocks , this is a worrying omen .
- 更令人担忧的预兆是,由于国外需求疲软,9月德国工厂的订单数量下降了8%。
- A more alarming omen is the 8 % fall in german factory orders in september , led by weak foreign demand .
- 这对扑克牌玩家来说可能是好消息,但现实生活又有一部分转移到网上了,这对姚记来说可不是什么好兆头。
- That may be good news for card players , but it 's not such a favorable omen for yaoji that another facet of real life is moving online .
- 那些肯定是一种预先警告,是吧?
- They must have been some kind of forewarning , huh ?
- 区域水资源可持续利用预警评价的理论框架探讨。
- Theory framework of forewarning evaluation for regional water resources sustainable utilization .
- 建立知识产权预警应急机制。
- The intellectual property forewarning and emergency system shall be established .
- 他还特别对所谓的低概率灾难性事件提出警告,这是对2008年aig几乎崩溃的预言,这场灾难部分是由于aig使用了特定类型的与房贷相关的衍生产品。
- In particular , he warned about what he called low-probability catastrophic events . That was a premonition of aig 's near-collapse in 2008 , triggered partly by the firm 's use of certain types of derivatives that were tied to mortgages .
- 你是否曾有再回不去美国的不祥预感?
- Did you ever have the premonition that you would not go back to america ?
- 我上个星期梦见他了,肯定是个预兆
- I saw him in my dream last week , must 've been a premonition