- 我觉得这与那些在严重问题上的相对论观点一样都是错误的。
- And I think it is just as wrong as these relativistic views on graver issues .
- 有的警告说这样做只会让通用汽车的潜在购买者心存疑虑,而使形势变得更严峻。
- Others give warning that such a move would simply alienate potential buyers of gm cars , making the situation graver still .
- 以色列可能上台的新总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡已经表示,一个有核的伊朗将比全球性衰退所带来的威胁严峻得多。
- Israel 's probable new prime minister , binyamin netanyahu , has said a nuclear iran poses a far graver threat than the global recession .
- 我还带了我的左轮手枪和一把刀。
- I also had my revolver and a knife .
- 邓玉娇说她极力想离开,那几名男子却一再把她往后拉,她就拔出了刀子。
- Deng said she pulled out a knife after the men repeatedly dragged her back as she tried to leave .
- 但是我找不到一把称手的刀。
- But I can 't find a knife I like to hold .
- 上周五,在约旦河西岸布林的犹太人定居点,一名犹太定居者用枪指着举行抗议活动的巴勒斯坦人。
- A jewish settler pointed a gun at palestinians and activists during a protest against the confiscation of land for jewish settlers in burin , west bank , friday .
- 刻刀是橡皮章创作中最直接的助手和伴侣。
- Burin rubber stamp creations is the most direct assistant and companion .
- 刻刀工具是橡皮章创作中最直接的助手和伴侣。
- Burin rubber stamp creation tool is the most direct assistant and companion .