- 一开始它无意识的飞向我的相机,而快要撞上镜头的时候,它张开翅膀减速了。
- It was oblivious to the camera for a while but then put the brakes on and flared its wings before it hit me in the lens .
- 拉胡德说:“我们需要解决这个问题,让人们不必担心汽车失速,不必担心要急踩刹车或挂空档的问题。”
- Mr lahood said : " we need to fix the problem so people don 't have to worry about disengaging the engine or slamming the brakes on or put it in neutral . "
- 通常坦桑尼亚是eac进展的减速器,因为担心共同体会让它被土地投机者和教育更好的肯尼亚人和乌干达人所控制。
- Tanzania has usually been the one to put the brakes on the eac , fearing it will be overrun with land speculators and better-educated kenyans and ugandans .
- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?