- 我订了张去印度的票。
- I booked my ticket to india .
- 请买一张去波士顿的单程车票。
- A one_way ticket to boston , please .
- 新的一年的热门舞蹈票。
- The new year 's hottest dance ticket .
- 这是某人的出生证明。
- This is someone 's birth certificate .
- 他的出生证明显示他是总统奥巴马的同父兄弟。
- His birth certificate shows he is barack obama 's half brother .
- 奥巴马的总统竞选班子2008年公布了一份短格式的出生证书。
- Mr. obama 's presidential campaign released a short-form certificate of birth in 2008 .
- 舞台灯光让大拱门的表面在夜间发出异样的光芒。
- Theatrical lights give the surface of the gateway arch a night sheen .
- 体育馆的设计引人注目,特别是头顶那宏伟的拱形架,不只是起到装饰的作用。
- The design is striking , especially with the grand arch overhead , which is more than just a cosmetic feature .
- 该工程目前正进行打地基的工作,拱形结构将在2015年完成组装并移到预定地点。
- Work is currently proceeding on the foundations , and the arch will be assembled and slid into place by 2015 .
- 即使那是张很赞的优惠券,即使他们也知道你真的需要它。
- Even if it was a good coupon , and even if they knew you needed it .
- 债券收益上涨时,它们的价格就会下降,吃掉债券息票的任何所得。
- When bond yields rise , their prices fall , eating into any gains from the security 's coupon .
- 例如,如果停止向普通股股东派息,混合型证券持有者将面临只剩下僵尸债务未赎回的零息票债券的风险。
- For instance , if dividends to common stockholders were stopped , holders of hybrid securities risk being left with debt zombies : uncalled bonds paying no coupon .
- 纳税义务人未提供完整、准确的财产原值凭证,不能正确计算财产原值的,由主管税务机关核定其财产原值。
- If a taxpayer fails to provide complete and accurate vouchers concerning the original value of the property and is unable to correctly calculate the original value of the property , the original value of the property shall be determined by the tax authorities-in-charge .
- 几年前我的一位朋友给我看了当地报纸的一份剪报:一对夫妇在乐购回收电子产品的活动中收集了数量巨大的回收凭证,从而获得了去加勒比海度假的机票。
- A couple of years ago a friend showed me a cutting from a local newspaper : it reported that a couple had earned so many vouchers from recycling at tesco that they were able to fly to the caribbean for a holiday .
- 鉴于此,俄克拉荷马州通过了一项草案,从管理上消除独立承包人妇女,婴儿和小孩,这是联邦计划给低收入有孩子妇女的营养凭证。
- With this in mind , the oklahoma house passed a bill that would eliminate independent contractors from administering women , infants and children ( wic ) , a federal program that distributes nutrition vouchers to low-income women with children .